Saturday, 18 July 2015

Joe Bown back on track at kings lynn 19th July Southerntrack Adrain flux arena

Following big off at mildenhall last week joe Bown will make a comeback using his new 150cc motor
Racing starts 12 noon free entry through pits.

Joe suffered wrist and leg injuries but insisted he would be back on track for the souterntrack meeting this week.
Many thanks to Jamie at speedway service for straightening out the bike in time for this weekend.
Joe will also be on track next Sunday at the Adrain flux arena for the rations armature meeting.

Joe came second to Taylor Hampshire last week and put in Track times of 70 and 67secs his best time last year for mildenhall was nearly 5 secs slower

See video
See table below this was incorrect joe had a third in his first followed by 4 2nds


Thursday, 2 July 2015

28th June dragons kings lynn

28th June Dragons Amateur Team Kings Lynn - Adrian Flux Arena

Joe had 6 rides today the first two didn't go well this was due to a blocked vent line on the carburettor 
After at things really got going.
This was the first time joe actually did full corners at the massive lynn circuit .
Lap times were pretty good he is lapping in 20.9 -21.8 secs per lap ave
Great result following his fantastic performance at Scunthorpe 
A new Engine is now on order so thanks goes out to Robin cousins at Rob Racing
Please see video links.



getting it sideways on turn 1 there's no airfence in the shot ! 

Also thanks to everyone who helps Joe via sponsoring and other support even if its just coming to watch it all helps.

Special Thanks to -
 Dane Brown (Dodfreys Engineering) for repairing my footwear
 Chris, Graham and James for helping out on the mechanical / engine side
Best wishes to Graham who is recovering from an eye Op but still does things to help
lastly Steve for trackside stuff

Without that things would be very difficult



Next meetings
Saturday 11th July Mildenhall Dragons Club
Sunday 19th July southern track riders - Kings Lynn
Sunday 26th July Dragons Club - Kings Lynn