Friday, 6 November 2015

Remaining meetings

tomorrows STR meeting is off 

We are still hoping to run Saturday evenings  Dragons Big Bash on14th November that is a 4 pm start hopefully under the lights

Friday, 16 October 2015

Next meetings

Next race day will be 18th October kings lynn 12:00 start
Following that Sunday 8th November 

Then last meeting will be Dragons
Sat 14th November evening start time
All meetings kings lynn 12:00 start

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Sunday 27th September southern track riders junior results

Today's speedway times 
Heat 6. 2nd
Sprocket 15/58

Heat 15  2nd
No splits 

Heat 23 2nd
Sprocket ?

Heat 31 3rd
Big issues with flooding carby
Sprocket 14/58

Heat 40 2nd
Lead fro two laps

Problems getting the speed all day ,carby overflowing blah blah
Eventually found piece of plastic swarf  in the fuel inlet port ,once this was removed and the float reset bike ran well but that was the last race anyhow

Hard lines to Duane who suffered a leg injury today.
Next meeting TBC
18th October as joe has another DoE trip next weekend

Thursday, 27 August 2015

22nd August mildenhall speedway southern track riders

Track conditions very poor that day with temperatures over 30 degrees 
Midway point the riders were invited to vote to continue as it was impossible to grade the track 

Result Joe got 3rd place in a field of 5 junior riders
Photo of bike ready to go 
Bad luck to Andrew leech who had an expensive and nasty looking crash

next meeting 6th September kings lynn 12:00 dragons Adrain flux arena

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Joe Bown back on track at kings lynn 19th July Southerntrack Adrain flux arena

Following big off at mildenhall last week joe Bown will make a comeback using his new 150cc motor
Racing starts 12 noon free entry through pits.

Joe suffered wrist and leg injuries but insisted he would be back on track for the souterntrack meeting this week.
Many thanks to Jamie at speedway service for straightening out the bike in time for this weekend.
Joe will also be on track next Sunday at the Adrain flux arena for the rations armature meeting.

Joe came second to Taylor Hampshire last week and put in Track times of 70 and 67secs his best time last year for mildenhall was nearly 5 secs slower

See video
See table below this was incorrect joe had a third in his first followed by 4 2nds


Thursday, 2 July 2015

28th June dragons kings lynn

28th June Dragons Amateur Team Kings Lynn - Adrian Flux Arena

Joe had 6 rides today the first two didn't go well this was due to a blocked vent line on the carburettor 
After at things really got going.
This was the first time joe actually did full corners at the massive lynn circuit .
Lap times were pretty good he is lapping in 20.9 -21.8 secs per lap ave
Great result following his fantastic performance at Scunthorpe 
A new Engine is now on order so thanks goes out to Robin cousins at Rob Racing
Please see video links.



getting it sideways on turn 1 there's no airfence in the shot ! 

Also thanks to everyone who helps Joe via sponsoring and other support even if its just coming to watch it all helps.

Special Thanks to -
 Dane Brown (Dodfreys Engineering) for repairing my footwear
 Chris, Graham and James for helping out on the mechanical / engine side
Best wishes to Graham who is recovering from an eye Op but still does things to help
lastly Steve for trackside stuff

Without that things would be very difficult



Next meetings
Saturday 11th July Mildenhall Dragons Club
Sunday 19th July southern track riders - Kings Lynn
Sunday 26th July Dragons Club - Kings Lynn

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Saturday 20th june 2015 scunthorpe

Speedway Practice with Steve Cooke at Scunthorpe

Last Bend action

laying it down 3rd bend

dirty bike with makeshift air filter
Video YouTube link click here to start

click here for even better video !!

Thanks to dad and steve cooke for helping on the corners

Hoping to get a new 150 cc engine soon as I can , thanks to my dad and all my sponsors friends / family who are all helping me throughout this season.

Next meeting details

28th June 13:00hrs kings lynn - Dragons armature team

11th July looking to book Scunthorpe with AMSA

19th July Kings Lynn Southern track riders 12:00 hrs


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

17th may kings lynn

Track was well prepared for racing , some heats of the juniors were very competitive
Joe did not win any races but was timed at 84secs for two of his races
Results were
Thanks to all the dragons and track staff plus James Stevens +Pete &Anna for turning out to watch me ride
Good day except for the one time the bike just wouldn't start
I will be back at Kings lynn on 31st may for southern track meeting 12 noon start.

This week joe applied for an SCB / ACU license


Mildenhall 2nd may official results

Please see link to Southertrack riders we page joe go third
Link click to follow

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Saturday 2nd May Mildenhall

Saturday 2nd May Mildenhall

Good result for Joe Bown coming 3rd overall
Heat one was a re-run several riders fell ,joe fell twice on turn one basically the track was overwatered

Here are some online videos

3rd place in junior 150cc

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Next meetings for Joe Bown

Next meetings -2nd May 11am start Mildenhall

(Southerntrack riders )

17th May kings Lynn 1pm start Adrain Flux Arena

(Dragons amateur club)

News about licenses and permits

Last weeks results STR


Novice Class
Dennis Cairns - 3,3,1,3 = 10
Dave Smith - 2,1,3,1 = 7
Thomas Cosgrove - No Show
Duane Wuerzburger - 1,2,1,0 = 4
Simon Cardnell - 1,3,F,NS = 4
Tony Raybould - 3,1,2,3 = 9
Stuart Freeman - NS,3,2,3 = 8
Rob Muir - 2,1,2,2 = 7
Dave Lambert - 0.0.1,R = 1
David Chiles - 2,2,3,R = 7

Intermediate Class
Andrew Leech - 3,3,2,3 = 11
Mike Osborne - 2,2,2,R = 6
Paul Robinson - 0,2,2,2 = 6
Dave Pattern - 1,0,1,1 = 3
Chris Shallcross - 1,1,1,2 = 5
Jamie Halder - 3,3,3,3 = 12
Sid Higgins - 2,3,3,3 = 11

Open Class
Mick Skinner - 3,3,3,3 = 12
Tom Rowlett - 2,2,3,2 = 9

Youth 125/150cc
Taylor Hampshire - 3,3,3,3 = 12
Jordan Palin - 2,2,2,1 = 7
Joe Bown - 1,0,0,1 = 2
Danny Curl - 0,0,0,2 = 2
Harry McGurk - 2,3,2,3 = 10
Sam McGurk - 1,1,1,0 = 3

Youth 250cc
Anders Rowe - 3,3,3,2,3 = 14
Charlie Brooks - 1,1,2,3,2 = 9
Jordan Jenkins - 2,2,F,NS,NS = 4
Chad Wirtzfeld - 0,0,1,1,1 = 3

Youth 500cc
William O'Keefe - 2,2,2,2,2 = 10
Lewis Whitmore - 3,3,3,3,3 = 15

1) Cairns, Smith, Wuerzburger, Cosgrove 69.1
2) Raybould, Muir, Cardnell, Freeman 68.4
3) Leech, Osborne, Patten, Robinson 59.8
4) Halder, Higgins, Shallcross 59.4
5) Hampshire, Palin, Bown, Curl 60.5
6) Rowe, Jenkins, Brooks, Wirtzfeld 58.6
7) Whitmore, O'Keefe 59.2
8) Practice
9) Practice
10) Practice
11) Cairns, Chiles, Smith, Lambert 69.4
12) Cardnell, Wuerzburger, Raybould, Cosgrove 69.6
13) Skinner/Leech, Rowlett/Osborne 60.2
14) Halder, Robinson, Shallcross, Patten 61.2
15) Hampshire, H McGurk, S McGurk, Bown 61.2
16) Rowe, Jenkins, Brooks, Wirtzfeld 59.8
17) Whitmore, O'Keefe 60.7
18) Practice
19) Freeman, Chiles, Muir, Lambert 70.2
20) Practice
21) Higgins, Skinner, Rowlett 61.0
22) H McGurk, Palin, S McGurk, Curl 64.4
23) Practice
24) Rowe, Brooks, Wirtzfeld, Jenkins 60.5
25) Whitmore, O'Keefe 59.8
26) Smith, Raybould, Lambert, Cardnell (Race stopped and awarded)
27) Chiles, Freeman, Wuerzburger, Cosgrove 70.8
28) Practice
29) Skinner/Halder, Osborne, Shallcross 62.4
30) Higgins/Rowlett, Robinson, Patten 64.9
31) Hampshire, Palin, S McGurk, Bown 63.3
32) Practice
33) Practice
34) Brooks, Rowe, Wirtzfeld, Jenkins 62.9
35) Freeman, Muir, Cairns, Wuerzburger 70.3
36) Raybould, Chiles ®, Lambert ®, Cosgrove 71.0
37) Whitmore, O'Keefe 60.8
38) Hampshire, H McGurk, Palin, Curl 63.3
39) Higgins, Leech, Patten 60.0
40) Skinner/Halder, Rowlett/Robinson 64.0
41) Practice
42) Practice
43) Practice
44) H McGurk, Curl, Bown, S McGurk 63.4
45) Cairns, Muir, Smith, Cardnell (NS) 70.4
46) Rowe, Brooks, Wirtzfeld, Jenkins 60.9
47) Leech, Shallcross, Osborne ® 59.7
48) Whitmore, O'Keefe 61.2
49) Practice
50) Practice
51) Practice
52) not run
53) Novice B Final - Muir, Wuerzburger, Smith, Lambert ® 71.1
54) Novice A Final - Cairns, Freeman, Chiles, Raybould 69.2
55) Open Final - Skinner, Rowlett 64.1
56) Intermediate B Final - Shallcross, Patten 66.2
57) Intermediate A Final - Halder, Higgins, Leech, Robinson 62.2
58) 125/150cc B Final - Curl 72.5
59) 125/150cc A Final - Hampshire, H McGurk, Palin, S McGurk 64.3 

    Sunday, 26 April 2015

    18th April Mildenhall 19th April kings lynn

    16th April Mildenhall - Southerntrack amateur club practice session.

    Plenty of 150 /125 cc kids to race and it was a good sunny day ,Joe tried hard but never looked to set the world on fire ,trouble with bike not really spinning the back end he tried various things but not looking good.
    However Joe did manage to get into the B Final with Danny Curl
    Track conditions were very poor ,most of he track blowing away in dust during the first 1/2 hoods racing.

    trackside with the fen tigers

    Big bill for mr mcgurk

    Disaster at kings lynn.

    Track conditions were great ,warmed up bike ok ,tried new rev limiter CDI this mad motor back fire and engine stopped on the start line of the first race ,
    Thus Joe had to sit it out all day on the sidelines

    Here is the communication sent to OORacing

    Motor running ok with new card which you supplied but you have supplier with 160 jet not the 140 which it was supposed to be.
    Anyway yesterday tried using the new CDI unit with rev limit you supplied
    Motor started fine but ran poor and would not run smooth or rev much ,tried original unit motor ran fine.
    Switch back to new cdi same issue with or without rev limit wires shorted open.

    Question can I send back this unit as it does not appear to work ,if so shall I send you the old working nit too so you can have al look
    I will suspend photo showing both units

    After using bike for 5 mins afterwards this it broke down 
    Inspection showed inlet rocker had snapped ,have good compression on no mark on cam so need new rocker set plus other bits .
    On website there are two rockers and I need to know what is correct t

    Details on motor rear casing 
    Oo racing
    Engine umber 1P60FMK

    Please can you answer query on CDI and confirm I get the order correct 

    Wednesday, 1 April 2015

    Yet more expense ! new carburetter

    Due to continual issues with carby, last track day and on-going issues in 2014 , the carb seems to overflow or starve fuel its always been a problem.
    New unit and spare parts purchased from ooracing £150 with spare CDI unit.

    New vm26 carb 
    New jets to repair old unit
    New float ,seat and needle
    New CDI unit with rev limiter 

    Total Bill £155 opps

    new parts added to the front

    down view showing old seat

    finished bike apart from waiting for new seat

    The new seat finally arrives from joes hughes

    all finished

    Sunday, 29 March 2015

    Dragons speedway practice kings lynn march 29th

    First track day of 2015 

    Everything went to pot for the first two rides and the vm26 carb failed again ,thus losing out on track time ,which is not good.
    However later when it finally ran ok we did get some good runs in ,
    Here is a video posted on YouTube ,there were no on track photos but there was some great footage on the gopro

    Click here to see gopro video of joes 4 laps


    bike seen here before new guards and seat see later post

    Thursday, 5 February 2015

    Winter peperatration early 2015

    New 2015 look for the bike

    Over the course of last year joe managed to break both his mudguards plus a few other things.

    Here are a few photos and information about our preparation for the new season

    Used front damper polished up (sponsored by Duane Wuezbuger racing) and fitted the old unit would not extend under its own pressure any more/>
    New front tyre fitted ,for a bit more extra grip these cost £45 a go! ,we use secondhand back tyres.
    Front wheel and fork blades disassembled and polished , (These items were fitted and first used at mildenhall).
    Thanks to Stuart and James Ward (Geoff Baileys) for working on that.
    Was the first time I ever relaced wheel so that ended up being finished off by Alan Belahms speedway service. £17
    New ST2 guards from Gp mouldings  £85  fitted to give Joe's baby a fresh lookplus new rear pusher bar .

    Everything was put on the bike ready for Mildehall's first meeting on april 18th 2015

    wheel rebuilding

    tank polished and new cap

    new style guards arrived